Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Edge Kettlebell Seminar with Special Guest Coach Marty Farrell

This post serves as a follow up to the previous....

I am happy to announce that the The Edge Fitness Center will be hosting a Kettlebell Lifting Seminar the weekend of February 7th & 8th.  We are collaborating with AKC coach and team captain Marty Farrell, who will be flying down to provide 2 days of top-class kettlebell instruction, demonstration, and hands on coaching.  

All are welcome to attend. This event will cater to people with previous kettlebell experience looking to advance their knowledge and experience as well as beginners who are just starting out. 

We are still finalizing the exact itinerary for the event, but here's a brief insight:

Day 1: Focus will be all the fundamental lifts, lots of demonstration, practical application, practice, and coaching with some timed sets thrown in. 

Day 2: Focus will involve putting everything learned on day 1 into practice in an actual workout setting. This will include advice and instruction on program design as well as competition preparation guidelines for those looking to compete. 

If you are interested in attending this event you can simply click the link below, which will take you directly to our seminar link and registration form or you can go to my website ( to register. 

For any questions or further information feel free to contact me via my e-mail at or on my cell: (828) 980-4754. 

It's gonna be good times! Hope you can make it....

Seminar Registration Link:

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